Credit card fraud covers a range of crimes that involve the fraudulent use of a credit card or any type of access device such as a bank card or debit card and the like. The most common form credit card fraud is when an individual uses someone else’s credit card number to make purchases. This crime is called “misappropriation.” (Misappropriation is commonly associated with Computer Fraud, which is related to the fraudulent use of credit card numbers over the Internet.)
Acts which may be considered as access device or credit card fraud include:
An individual does not need to have possession of a credit card in order to commit and be charged with access device fraud. Penalties for those convicted of access device or credit card fraud include a prison time of up to 10 or 20 years and/or financial retribution.
If you are being charged with a federal criminal access device fraud case, contact our attorneys at Shemaria Law Offices online, or call us at 310-278-2660 or 800-898-9555 toll free. We can help you navigate your way through these charges and explain any violations to your rights. Our lawyers are able to resolve access device fraud cases satisfactorily and minimize many of the negative consequences. Our federal criminal lawyers can help you defend your rights.
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